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How to Un-do Summer Damage! fall skincare fall skincare routine skin care tips undo summer damage Oct 09, 2023

The weather is getting cooler, the  days are growing shorter, and pumpkin spice lattes are everywhere you look! It can only mean one thing—fall has arrived!

This is one of my favorite seasons for several reasons. Fall typically marks...

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The Deadly Skin Cancer You've Probably Never Heard About jimmy buffet mcc merkel cell carcinoma skin cancer skin check Oct 02, 2023

While melanoma, basal cell carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas are well-known skin cancers, there exists another type that is steadily rising in both incidence and mortality every year. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a deadly skin cancer...

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7 Ways To Really Boost Your Collagen! aging collagen collagen loss skin sagging Sep 25, 2023

Collagen is definitely a buzz word these days! Whether it's in beverages, food items, supplements, or skincare products, marketers are taking advantage of the current fascination with this skin-rejuvenating phenomenon. But the big question...

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Why your skin is 'More Than A Pretty Face' with Dr. Azi aestnetic procedures dermatology laser resurfacing lasers melasma Sep 18, 2023

Being both a practicing dermatologist and a podcaster brings with it a wonderful opportunity to connect with some of my amazing dermatology colleagues. In this week’s podcast episode, I had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, fondly...

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Who's leading your skin care journey? derm led skincare dermatologist skin care advice skin expert skin minimalism Sep 11, 2023

The skincare industry is a BILLION $$$ business promising people eternal youth and amazing skin! But is it all too good to be true? I'm a big believer that if it sounds too good, too perfect, too much, then it probably is just hype! But when we...

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Do you know your skin type? combination skin oily skin sensitive skin skin type skincare tips Sep 04, 2023

We often hear people say that we need to 'know our skin type,' but what does this actually mean?

As dermatologists, it's helpful to know someone's skin type, as it allows us to recommend products and tailor a treatment regimen based on your skin's...

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