Don't be embarrassed to ask your dermatologist about this!

Sep 30, 2024

Who here has ever had a skin problem but was too embarrassed to ask someone about it? I know I have! In fact, when I was 12 years old at camp one year, I developed a terrible case of impetigo, which is a bacterial rash on the skin. But I was too embarrassed to show anyone because I thought I was developing a terrible case of acne! I suffered for many weeks with this progressive infection until my dad, who’s a doctor, saw it and got me the antibiotics I needed! What a relief!

As dermatologists, we understand that some things can feel a bit awkward to talk about. But honestly, no question is too embarrassing to bring up with us. We have seen and heard it all! Whether it’s body odor that won’t go away, a rash in a sensitive area, regret over an old tattoo, or even something like toenail fungus, we genuinely want to help you with your skin concerns. Our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable and supported while we work together to get things sorted!Body Odor & Genital Area Rashes

Okay, let’s be honest—body odor is something we all deal with, and when it’s in the genital area, it can feel a little worrying. But here’s the good news: it’s totally normal, and there are plenty of ways to manage it! Whole-body deodorants, antiperspirants, and even antifungal powders can really help keep the odor and sweat under control.

Now, if you notice a rash in that area, don’t ignore it! It’s worth getting checked out because it could be something like psoriasis, eczema, or hidradenitis suppurativa. The sooner you figure it out, the sooner you’ll get relief, and you can avoid any complications. We’ve all been there, and there’s no need to suffer in silence!

Tattoo Regret & Removal Options

We’ve all made choices we wish we could erase—tattoos included! Luckily, if you’re feeling stuck with a tattoo you don’t want anymore, there are safe options to help you move on!

Laser treatments, dermabrasion, and chemical peels can all work wonders to fade or remove unwanted ink. Just remember, it’s best to avoid creams or home remedies that aren’t FDA-approved, as they can cause more harm than good. Laser surgery is often the most effective choice, but it usually takes a few sessions to fully remove the tattoo. 

Toenail Fungus: A Persistent Problem

Toenail fungus can be really stubborn and often needs long-term treatment. The most common options are topical creams and oral medications, which can be effective but may take time to work. Newer treatments like laser therapy and photodynamic therapy are also showing promise for the future!

Prevention is key when it comes to toenail fungus. Keeping your feet clean and dry is important, so make sure to wash and dry your feet daily. Don’t forget to disinfect your shoes regularly to kill any fungus that might be hiding there. If you notice any signs of a fungal infection, reach out to a dermatologist! The sooner you start treatment, the better your chances of getting rid of it for good!

Remember, your dermatologist is a partner in your skin health. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions, even if they feel a bit awkward. And here are a few things you really don’t need to worry about when you see your dermatologist:

  • Shaving Your Legs: Whether you’ve just shaved or not, it doesn’t matter! We’re focused on your skin, not your hair.
  • Being Sweaty: If you just came from a workout or it’s a hot day, no problem! Your comfort is our priority, so don’t sweat it (pun intended!).
  • Dirty Hair: Whether your hair is clean or a little on the greasy side, it’s all good! 
  • How Your Body Looks Undressed: We’re here to help you feel better about your skin, not judge how you look. Your body is your own, and we respect that!

We're here to help you so don't let these things prevent you from seeing your dermatologist or getting the help you need!

Tune into this week's podcast with Dr. Shannon Trotter, where she addresses those embarrassing topics we often avoid, like handling odor in sensitive areas and what to do about a rash.She also covers options for removing unwanted tattoos and treating toenail fungus, so it's a must-listen for anyone with these questions!

Follow Dr. Trotter here: 

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