My Top 3 Tips for Pro- Aging

Episode #81

Age in reverse—is that even possible? Sounds too good to be true, I know, and in a way, it is. But there are things you can do to slow down the biological clock and make it seem as if you are aging in reverse! Pro-aging isn't just about giving anti-aging a new name—it's a whole movement to reframe how we think and feel about getting older. Pro-aging takes a proactive and preventative approach to aging. Rather than fearing it, pro-aging embraces our later years.


Listen to this week's podcast episode where I talk about proaging and how you can stay healthy for longer, without chronic illness!


- Lifespan vs. Health Span (3:07)


- The Power of Mindset (8:15)


- Pro-Aging vs. Anti-Aging (9:38)


- Skincare, Sun Protection, and Skin Microbiome (14:14)


- Why Incremental Improvements Matter? (20:40)


- Regenerative Aesthetics: Stem Cells and Exosomes (26:22)



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The content of this podcast is for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes and does not constitute formal medical advice.